
Showing posts with the label How to start a startup/business | The Economy Man blog |

How To Start a business/Startup ?

 How to Start a Startup / Business ? In this blog we help you to Start your own business by following the points given below . You can also say it as a roadmap from thinking of an idea to setup in the market place . Points To keep in mind while thinking of  How To Start a Startup/Business 1) Clearly define your business by doing your own research. 2) Know the Marketplace by determining the right customers. 3) Develop a business plan by having a strong mission. 4) Decide how you'll cover your start-up costs.   5) Get Your Business Registered and Open Bank Account For Business Purpose  6)  Secure Intellectual property -: Get Your Brand's Trademarks Registered to create monopoly . 7) Get GST and other business related licenses ( varies from industry to industry)  8) Take your business online by Starting getting into E-commerce by getting into Social Media , Website and use digital marketing to increase sales and reach . 9) Get Your business Setup in a market it can either be onlin