Why to invest ?

Why To Invest ? 🤔

Why To Invest in stock market ?

In this previous blog we will describe the basics of stock market.
Recap -:
But why anyone want to learn when you have the option to directly invest and learn from practical experience.
The Answer for this question is very simple -:
“Because you can't build a great building on 
 a weak foundation!”

Now , Take a look at these points -:


At some point, you’ll have enough money
saved up where you’ll think, “Wow, I should
probably invest this somehow.”
Whether you are a doctor, a teacher, a
student, a government servant or a part of
the private corporate world, you need to
In order to build your wealth, you will want to
invest your money. Investing allows you to put
your money in vehicles that have the
potential to earn strong rates of return.
If you don’t invest, you are missing out on
opportunities to increase your financial
worth. Of course, you have the potential to
lose your money in investments, but if you
invest wisely, the potential to gain money is
higher than if you never invest.
First, let’s start with the hard fact-based
reasons to invest and dive into some less
discussed (but still important) personal and
professional reasons to invest. And then we’ll
transition into which are the investment
opportunities available.

So, Why to invest?

This is the simplest reason to invest and is
often at the core of why people invest. You
can’t find a single best reason for why to
If you invest Rs 10,000 today and it gains
roughly 7% per year, you’ll turn that 10,000
into 20,000 in just 10 years.

Think otherwise.

Imagine 10 years ago you put 10,000 into an account, invested it in some stocks, made some trades, and now 10 years later you have your

original 10,000 plus another 10,000 you made from investing.

Means you just made 10,000 extra in 10 years doing nothing but waiting patiently and choose right investment opportunities. Now for most of the people this 10,000 will not matter much. Because who has the patience of 10 years to earn just another 10,000.

Think about that

Imagine a longer-term example where you're

Top Reasons to Invest in The Stock Market

1) Beat Inflation. 

There's no denying the fact that inflation is a rapidly increasing phenomenon across the globe. And stock market helps you to beat the inflation.

2) Compound the Interest. 

Stepping foot in the stock market and registering a strong position is always good. We are not going to describe it in detail here . There is already a blog which is covering The Compound Interest Topic . Go through it 

3) Invest With long term vision

 This market is Designed to Go Up always in the long run (Keep in mind we're talking about the market not the stocks) 

4) Fixed Returns are Boring

If you are wondering why to invest in stock markets at all, the answer is that fixed returns can get boring as there are other places where you can get a better value for your money. Traditional products like fixed deposits or recurring deposits are safe instruments but also give fixed returns for the investment tenure. While stocks are aligned with the markets and can give you double-digit returns in its good days as well, traditional products will give you a set fixed number on all days. So dividing a portion of your assets into accelerated wealth-creating instruments like stocks can help you reach your goals faster with the same investment amount.

Guys We hope that you had learnt a lot of new things from this blog .
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Thank You 

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